Just an early release version of Breakout... or is it?

Get live updates from five frustrated developers trying to fix their previous untested bugs, and see how long you can last. With over 30 possible updates (and bugs) available, in a somewhat random order, each playthrough can be as exciting and unpredictable as the last!


LD49 Entry!

Unstable Release is a throwback to the classic game breakout, with a twist based on modern game development practices, hot fixing, and bad development. Play a rapidly deteriorating game where unstable developers push unstable patches without testing, and try to survive as long as you can.

This is my 1st Ludum Dare and I loved trying to think more creatively around the theme. I hope you’ll like the game as much as I enjoyed making it :)


- Press space to release the ball.

- Move the paddle left and right with the arrow keys, or A/D.

- Don't let the ball fall below the screen edge!

- Don't let the blocks hit the bottom of the screen!


ProjectFiles.zip 301 MB

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